Upcoming Events of the EMG Consultative Process

The calendar below contains all events and deadlines of the EMG Consultative Process on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.

30th- Deadline for the EMG Members to contribute to the SWFS report on biodiversity.

Please note that due to the current pandemic this meeting has not been scheduled yet and that the 3rd OEWG has been postponed. 

TBC  3rd meeting of the Consultative Process (Montreal, Canada)

  • This meeting will consider final inputs for preparation of the global biodiversity framework to the 3rd OEWG. Preparations for a contribution to the one-day Biodiversity Summit in the margins of the UNGA in September will also begin. The draft SWFS report on biodiversity will be reviewed, including thorough discussion on implementation/commitments.
  • This meeting will likely be held in between CBD SBSTTA 24 (18-24) and CBD SBI 3 (25-29)

POSTPONED The IUCN World Conservation Congress has been postponed to January 2021 due to the COVID-19 Emergency. 

Presentation of contributions (Marseille, France)

  • The Consultative Process will publicly present its contributions to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, 11-19 June in Marseille, France.

TBC- Second drafting workshop of the SWFS report on biodiversity (Marseille, France)

  • This workshop will review the first draft produced by the EMG Secretariat. It will likely be held in the margins of the IUCN World Conservation Congress

24th (TBC)- 4th meeting of the Consultative Process (TBC)

  • This meeting will present the agreed UN system contribution on the structure and content of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework as well as a follow up arrangement of the Framework by the UN system as well as reaching agreement on the agenda of a meeting of chief executives in the margins of the CBD COP15. It will also produce contributions to the one-day Biodiversity Summit in the margins of the UNGA 75.

  • This meeting will be held prior to OEWG 3 (27-31).

25th (TBC)- 26th EMG Senior officials Meeting (New York, USA)

  • This meeting will likely result in approval of an EMG contribution to CBD COP15, focused on implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. EMG members could present possible voluntary commitments or possibilities for collaboration on implementation.

26th (TBC)- One-day Biodiversity Summit (most likely in the margins of UNGA75, New York, USA)

  • An event for raising awareness about the links between biodiversity and all policy and societal sectors.


8th – Meeting of chief executives in the margins of CBD COP 15

  • This meeting will present the UN system contribution, political commitment and a follow up approach to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. There is a mandated Consultative Process input for this meeting on the implementation process.


10th – 5th meeting of the Consultative Process

  • This meeting will follow up on the implementation of the new post-202 global biodiversity framework, including sharing of roles as custodians of the agreed indicators and a monitoring and review approach on the implementation of the indicators. UN entities should come with suggestions for their own custodianship and how they can contribute to implementation.

Calendar of relevant UN entity events

Below are events of UN entities with relevance to the EMG Consultative Process on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. They have been categorised based on the policy sector that their focus reflects. 

UN entities are invited to contact [email protected] to include any additional events.