The calendar below contains all events and deadlines of the EMG Consultative Process on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
30th- Deadline for the EMG Members to contribute to the SWFS report on biodiversity.
Please note that due to the current pandemic this meeting has not been scheduled yet and that the 3rd OEWG has been postponed.
TBC 3rd meeting of the Consultative Process (Montreal, Canada)
POSTPONED The IUCN World Conservation Congress has been postponed to January 2021 due to the COVID-19 Emergency.
Presentation of contributions (Marseille, France)
TBC- Second drafting workshop of the SWFS report on biodiversity (Marseille, France)
This workshop will review the first draft produced by the EMG Secretariat. It will likely be held in the margins of the IUCN World Conservation Congress
24th (TBC)- 4th meeting of the Consultative Process (TBC)
This meeting will present the agreed UN system contribution on the structure and content of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework as well as a follow up arrangement of the Framework by the UN system as well as reaching agreement on the agenda of a meeting of chief executives in the margins of the CBD COP15. It will also produce contributions to the one-day Biodiversity Summit in the margins of the UNGA 75.
25th (TBC)- 26th EMG Senior officials Meeting (New York, USA)
This meeting will likely result in approval of an EMG contribution to CBD COP15, focused on implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. EMG members could present possible voluntary commitments or possibilities for collaboration on implementation.
26th (TBC)- One-day Biodiversity Summit (most likely in the margins of UNGA75, New York, USA)
8th – Meeting of chief executives in the margins of CBD COP 15
This meeting will present the UN system contribution, political commitment and a follow up approach to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. There is a mandated Consultative Process input for this meeting on the implementation process.
10th – 5th meeting of the Consultative Process
This meeting will follow up on the implementation of the new post-202 global biodiversity framework, including sharing of roles as custodians of the agreed indicators and a monitoring and review approach on the implementation of the indicators. UN entities should come with suggestions for their own custodianship and how they can contribute to implementation.
Below are events of UN entities with relevance to the EMG Consultative Process on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. They have been categorised based on the policy sector that their focus reflects.
UN entities are invited to contact [email protected] to include any additional events.
17-20- FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (Thimpu, Bhutan)
1-5- FAO Regional Conference for the Near East (Muscat, Oman)
10-12- FAO Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity (Rome, Italy)
23-27- FAO Regional Conference for Africa (Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe)
20-22- IFAD 129th Executive Board session (TBC)
20-22- FAO Open-ended Second meeting of the Group of National Focal Points for Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture (TBC)
27-29- FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (Managua, Nicaragua)
12-14- FAO Sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources (TBC)
18-22- FAO 179th Finance Committee Meeting
26-28- FAO Biodiversity Mainstreaming Platform contribution to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework (Rome, Italy)
3-5- FAO Global Soil partnership Plenary Assembly (Rome, Italy)
8-12- FAO 164th Council Session (Rome, Italy)
16-19- FAO Tenth Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (TBC)
22-26- FAO Committee on Forestry (Rome, Italy)
1-3- FAO Eleventh Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture(TBC)
13-17- FAO Committee on Fisheries (Rome, Italy)
1-3- FAO Third Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (TBC)
8-10- IFAD 130th Executive Board session (TBC)
28- Oct 2nd- FAO Committee on Agriculture (Rome, Italy)
12-16- FAO Committee on World Food Security
17-21- IMO, 7th Session of the Pollution Prevention and Response Sub-Committee (London, UK)
24-27- UNECA, 6th Session of the Africa Forum on Sustainable Development (Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe)
A platform to discuss the need to address biodiversity as underlying the SDGs. Biodiversity-conscious environmental solutions could be raised, as could the link between sustainable use and sustainable livelihoods.
More information is available here.
9-13- 43rd session of the London Convention Scientific Group and 14th session of the London Protocol Scientific Group (London, UK)
19-20- Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE region (Geneva, Switzerland)
A platform for discussing the need to address biodiversity as underlying the SDGs. Biodiversity-conscious environmental solutions could be raised, as could the link between sustainable use and sustainable livelihoods.
23- EMG Nexus Dialogue on Chemicals and Biodiversity.
30- Apr 3rd- IMO, 75th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (London, UK)
20-24- UNECE Resource Management Week (Geneva, Switzerland)
This week looks at the role of resource management in achieving the SDGs and could be leveraged to raise awareness and buy-in for the post-2020 framework. Sustainable use and management should also be discussed in the 11th Session of the Expert Group on Resource Management, which takes place during this week.
3-5- UNU, Circular Economy in a Sustainable Society (Dresden, Germany)
A platform to discuss closing resource loops in relation to their impact on biodiversity. The need for sustainable use and conservation to be brought into the circular economy should be raised.
7-11- Rotterdam Convention Chemical Review Committee (Rome, Italy)
7-11- 47th annual session of GESAMP (Monaco)
2-4- World Bank Fragility Forum (Washington D.C., USA)
16-20- World Bank Land and Poverty Conference 2020: Institutions for Equity and Resilience (Washington D.C., USA)
A platform to discuss and share policies and good practice on land governance, including the protection of IPLC land rights and the nexus with conservation.
More information can be found here.
17-23- World Health Assembly (Geneva, Switzerland)
An opportunity to discuss the impacts of biodiversity loss on health, the reasons for and potential ways to mainstream biodiversity in health policy, and potential biodiversity-conscious environmental solutions to health concerns.
5-7- UNCTAD Trade and Development Board (Geneva, Switzerland)
13-14- Joint UNECE/OECD Seminar on the Implementation of SEEA (Geneva, Switzerland)
18-24- UNECA, 53rd Session of the Economic Commission for Africa (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
A platform to raise the need to discuss biodiversity considerations in planning and national economic policies, and the link between conservation, sustainable use and sustainable livelihoods.
23-27- UNCTAD Commission on Science and Technology for Development (Geneva, Switzerland)
A forum to discuss capacity-building and technological transfer.
More information can be found here.
27-31- UNECLAC 14th Regional Conference on Women in LAC (Vitacura, Chile)
24- Mar 20th- 43rd Session of the Human Rights Council (Geneva, Switzerland)
Ongoing, ending 20th- 43rd Session of the Human Rights Council (Geneva, Switzerland)
16-20- World Bank Land and Poverty Conference 2020: Institutions for Equity and Resilience (Washington DC, USA)
19-22- UNECE, National Surveyor’s Conference, Mont Tremblant Summit: International and indigenous perspectives for land governance (Mont Tremblant, Canada)
6- Jul 3- 44th Session of the Human Rights Council (Geneva, Switzerland)
20th- World Refugee Day
14- Oct 4- 45th Session of the Human Rights Council (Geneva, Switzerland)
13th- OEWG co-chairs to release the Zero Draft of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
3rd- CBD deadline for Peer Reviews of “Indicators for global and national biodiversity targets- indicator resources for development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework”
15-22- CMS 13th Conference of the Parties (Gandhinagar, India)
18-13- UN-Habitat, 10th Session of the World Urban Forum (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
21-22- CBD Thematic workshop on transparent implementation, monitoring, reporting and review (Kunming, China)
23-28- University of Zurich and bioDISCOVERY, World Biodiversity Forum (Davos, Switzerland)
24-29- 2nd Meeting of the OEWG (Kunming, China)
1-2- CBD Thematic Consultation on Capacity-building and Technical and Scientific Cooperation (Kunming, China)
3rd- UN World Wildlife Day
16-20- 23rd Meeting of the Technical Review Panel for the Ramsar Convention (Geneva, Switzerland)
17-20- CBD Ad Hoc Technical Group on Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources (Montreal, Canada)
23rd- International Day of Forests
23-27- “Bern 2” (TBC) meeting of MEAs to discuss synergies (Bern, Switzerland)
30- Apr 3- UNFCCC National Action Plan Expo (Gaborone, Botswana)
7-9- British Ornithologist’s Union Conference on Restoring Bird Populations: Scaling from Species to Ecosystems (Nottingham, UK)
14-16- OECD-BIOFIN Global Conference on Biodiversity Finance (Paris, France)
This event will be used to advance discussions on biodiversity finance and resource mobilization for the post-2020 Biodiversity Framework.
More detailed information on the Conference will be made available over the coming weeks via the UNDP Biodiversity Finance Initiative.
21-23- 3rd Meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (Montreal, Canada)
11-12- UNECE Workshop on Climate Change (Geneva, Switzerland)
A platform to discuss mainstreaming biodiversity and nature-based solutions into climate change adaptation and resilience.
18-19- UNECE 11th Implementation Committee under the Water Convention (Geneva, Switzerland)
This Convention can be used as a model for transboundary cooperation and so this meeting could be used to highlight possible mechanisms that could be mobilised for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
18-22- 76th Session of UNESCAP (Bangkok, Thailand)
18-24- CBD SBSTTA-24 (Montreal, Canada)
22nd- International Day for Biological Diversity
25-29- CBD SBI-3 (Montrea, Canada)
June 1-10- UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference, SBSTTA-52 and SBI-52 (Bonn, Germany)
2-6- UN Ocean Conference (Lisbon, Portugal)
5th- World Environment Day
8th- World Oceans Day
11-19- IUCN World Conservation Congress (Marseille, France)
22-26- 58th Meeting of the Ramsar Convention Standing Committee (Geneva, Switzerland)
16-17- High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (New York, USA)
27-31- 3rd Meeting of the OEWG (Bogota, Colombia)
15-30- 75th UN General Assembly (New York, USA)
TBC- CBD 15th Conference of the Parties (Kunming, China)
TBC- Cartagena Protocol on BioSafety COPMOP10
TBC- Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing COPMOP4
9-19- UNFCCC COP26 (Glasgow, UK)