
EMG Nexus Dialogues

Enhancing Synergies between Post-2020         Biodiversity Framework and Sound Chemical Management

Venue: International Environment House 2, Geneva, Switzerland

Date: March 23, 2020 (Postponed, new dates to be announced shortly)
Time: 09.30 to 17.00


This Nexus Dialogue aims to establish a direct relationship between biodiversity & ecosystem, and chemicals & waste, including contributing to a systems’ understanding of the topics and issues feeding into (and possibly, hindering), the progress beyond 2020. We hope to foster support by multi-level stakeholders for the application of an integrated approach to the planning and development of post-2020 agenda frameworks. Specifically, the Nexus Dialogue aims to provide a platform to: Exchange Best Practices & Expertise, learn Systemic Interdependencies & Commonalities and brainstorm Collaborative Capacities.

The outcome of the Nexus Dialogue will be a policy statement outlining key messages facilitating the systemic relationship between Biodiversity & Ecosystems, and Chemicals & Waste, with careful attention paid to cross-cutting SDGs, industry behavior, and capacity-building collaboration. The outcome document can feed into ongoing processes, notably: Bern 2 Consultation Workshop on Biodiversity-Related Conventions on the Post-2020 Global Diversity Framework in March 2020, 4th Meeting of the Intersessional Process of SAICM in March 2020, 24th Meeting of the SBSTTA and 3rd Meeting of the SBI in May 2020, 3rd meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework in July 2020, 5th International Conference on Chemicals Management in October 2020, 15th Meeting of the COP CBD in October 2020, UNEA-5 in February 2021, and other related events.

Meeting Documents: 

  • Agenda (will be available shortly) 
  • Concept note (will be available shortly)