Issue Management Group on Human Rights and the Environment

The EMG’s support for a more coherent, consistent and rights-based approach by the UN system to human rights and the environment responds to the UN Secretary-General’s Call to Action on Human Rights. The importance of this issue was further highlighted in October 2021 when the Human Rights Council adopted a resolution recognizing, for the first time, that a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is a human right. This was followed by the General Assembly in July 2022 with the adoption of resolution 76/300 on “The human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment”.

Established in 2020 and led by OHCHR, UNDP and UNEP, the Issue Management Group (IMG) on Human Rights and the Environment aims to integrate the human right to a healthy environment into the work of the UN to ensure a coherent and rights-based approach to environmental action throughout the UN system.
