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The Environment Management Group is pleased to announce the establishment and kick-off of its new Issue Management Group on Environment and Humanitarian Action. 
This project will serve as a unifying platform for established UN-wide collaboration processes to engage relevant organizations in the humanitarian and environment sectors in sharing expertise on the integration of environmental consideration in humanitarian action at the policy and program level.The initiative recognizes the link between environmental management and reaching the goals of humanitarian operations in the context of delivering on the integrated SDGs: a more systematic push is needed for coherent integration and collaborative platforms to break down the barriers of humanitarian and development models.
The overall objective of this new EMG initiative is to identify concrete means for a facilitated, new way of working in which the environment is systematically considered in humanitarian contexts, highlighting the interlinkages among environmental, humanitarian, human rights, development and security goals.

The 1st meeting of the Issue Management Group on Environment and Humanitarian Action took place on February 28th, 2018. It discussed the proposed Terms of Reference for this initiative, including deliverables related to the promotion of common environmental safeguards and standards and a study focusing on quantifying the costs of inaction for integrating environmental considerations in humanitarian interventions.
The activities will begin with the implementation of deliverables related to advocacy and the compilation of available guidance and tools. UN agencies are invited to express their interest in taking part in the different work streams of the new Issue Management Group that are currently being set up.

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