17-21- IMO, 7th Session of the Pollution Prevention and Response Sub-Committee (London, UK)
- The review of the 2011 Guidelines for the control and management of ships’ biofouling to minimize the transfer of invasive aquatic species will begin at this meeting. There will also be, as in all sessions, consideration of various matters related to the management of ballast water, which is the other major ship-related vector for the transfer of IAS.
- More information will be available here.
24-27- UNECA, 6th Session of the Africa Forum on Sustainable Development (Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe)
A platform to discuss the need to address biodiversity as underlying the SDGs. Biodiversity-conscious environmental solutions could be raised, as could the link between sustainable use and sustainable livelihoods.
More information is available here.
9-13- 43rd session of the London Convention Scientific Group and 14th session of the London Protocol Scientific Group (London, UK)
- The joint sessions of the LC/LP Scientific Groups have several standing items on the agenda that are relevant from a biodiversity perspective, including “Coastal management issues associated with activities to prevent marine pollution” and “Habitat modification and enhancement”.
19-20- Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE region (Geneva, Switzerland)
A platform for discussing the need to address biodiversity as underlying the SDGs. Biodiversity-conscious environmental solutions could be raised, as could the link between sustainable use and sustainable livelihoods.
- More information will be made available here.
23- EMG Nexus Dialogue on Chemicals and Biodiversity.
- More information will be made available here.
30- Apr 3rd- IMO, 75th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (London, UK)
- The Committee always considers various matters related to the management of ballast water, which is one of the two major ship-related vectors for the transfer of IAS.
- More information will be available here.
20-24- UNECE Resource Management Week (Geneva, Switzerland)
This week looks at the role of resource management in achieving the SDGs and could be leveraged to raise awareness and buy-in for the post-2020 framework. Sustainable use and management should also be discussed in the 11th Session of the Expert Group on Resource Management, which takes place during this week.
- More information is available here, and the online registration form can be accessed here.
3-5- UNU, Circular Economy in a Sustainable Society (Dresden, Germany)
A platform to discuss closing resource loops in relation to their impact on biodiversity. The need for sustainable use and conservation to be brought into the circular economy should be raised.
- Further information can be found here.
7-11- Rotterdam Convention Chemical Review Committee (Rome, Italy)
- A forum to raise the issue of biodiversity in relation to chemicals, and could be used to discuss synergies between MEAs and other international agreements (on chemicals).
- Meeting documents will be made available here.
7-11- 47th annual session of GESAMP (Monaco)
- The Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) is sponsored by 10 UN entities and currently has nine working groups, all relevant to biodiversity. At the annual session, these are discussed, as well as other emerging issues of relevance to the UN system.
- More information can be found here.
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